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Freak Fest 1994

"Fuck around and find out"

Freak Fest 1994

Welcome! Truth seekers one and all!! to the first official Freak Fest! An annual gathering of professionals and passionate enthusiasts of the fields of the supernatural, the occult, the cryptid, and secrets of the deep state! It’s that time of year again.


After the unfortunate incidents of last year that resulted in 3 federal indictments, and a fire UNPROVEN TO BE ARSON DESPITE IMPLICATIONS BY THE F.B.I. IN OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASES WHICH WILL BE LEGALLY CONTESTED the organizers of the once free and independent event have made concessions that any future events will meet the legal requirements of other “conventions” despite the fact that Freak Fest contests this classification. Freak Fest continues to define itself as a gathering of like minded truth seeking individuals with no affiliation with arbitrary infrastructural restrictions.


This year our gathering will take place in the beautiful Magpie Landing at the Devil’s River Lodge. The event will last 5 days with overnight lodging available at the lodge for discounted prices, RV parking, and food vendors available on days 2 through 5, all vetted extensively of course. Badges available for purchase at the venue throughout the gathering, by mail, and online will give attendees access to our full schedule of panels and assures we can run the event by the standards of restrictive throat gripping regulations of bureaucracy another year.


Buy yours today and come with us on the ever evolving pursuit of the truth!

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