Badge charms are exactly what they sound like! Charms you can collect to decorate your Freak Fester's badge. show other festers that you're not just a casual attendee but a real freak...
To see how to earn various charms see the event record below.
*Keep in mind some charms are limited edition and the method to earning them are in fact super secret and will not be listed here :).
Experience is not just something that happens to you, It can inform the way you approach everything in life. Good or bad you might as well use it to your benefit right?
XP can be earned through Various events in FF. Below you will find information on how to redeem XP for applicable events.
October 1994
OCT 09
OCT 13
OCT 14
OCT 15
🕯 Exorcism and possession
🕯 Government Coverups
🕯 Globe of Death/Fightclub
🕯 Closing Ceremony
🕯 Night Vigil
🕯 afterparty
🕯 Search Party Departs and does not return
🕯 Landslide is Discovered
🕯 Return of the Lone Ranger
🕯 General Store Run 01
OCT 16
OCT 17
OCT 18
OCT 19
🕯 an axe wielder appears
🕯 The Power Goes out
🕯 Hunter Escapes
OCT 20
OCT 21
OCT 22
🕯 weapons run to the afterparty clearing
🕯 Six Attackers appear
🕯 Kitty, Tart and Kevin do not return to the lodge
🕯 Kaleb Monroe is Found
OCT 23
OCT 24
OCT 25
OCT 26
OCT 27
OCT 28
OCT 29
OCT 30
OCT 31
NOV 01
NOV 02
NOV 03
NOV 04
NOV 05
Thursday October 6th 1994
opening ceremony | freak fest day 0
The opening ceremony was a low stakes journal event where members having just entered the group after first opening got to take part in several Freak Fest related activities. Characters/players could host booths to sell merch host games and more for other members/characters. Players were able to participate and earn raffle tickets that could be used to win both in and out of character prizes.
Characters had the opportunity to explore fest grounds and mingle with other freaks. It would be the first-time characters got to see the Devil’s River lodge unless they were locals or had visited the lodge in the past.
The first day of the fest had no official panels as most attendees were instead expected to pick up their badges, check into their room if they had booked one at the lodge and perhaps peruse the booths that had been set up by the volunteers and vendors days beforehand after a brief opening ceremony.
The gates are finally open. The people set free. You make the nearly 2 hour drive from Antioch out to the remote Freak Fest venue where you are greeted by... probably about what you expected. A broad gravel parking lot, in one corner of which is a maze of somewhat dubiously structured vendor booths in front of an equally low-quality stage. Are those just tables with a black skirt on them? At least there seems to be proper sound equipment.
Volunteers with bright yellow badges usher cars as best they can to keep the chaos in the lot to a minimum, for those not taking the shuttle. Those who arrive early enough gather around the stage to listen as the Freak Fest organizers welcome everyone to a new year. A brave year, where they remember and move on from the tragedy of the '93 fire and the struggle of organizing this year's event. The online, media, and government ridicule.
Though they promise that they are of course in compliance with the security, safety, and medical mandates set forth since last year. And with that warm and reassuring welcome, the microphone perched on the rickety stage is handed off to a number of the festival's speakers, who talk about the themes for this year (extraterrestrials, cryptids, the paranormal, and the media) and what it means to Seek Truth in an ever-expanding world of technology and surveillance.
After which the crowd releases to enjoy the first day of Freak Fest...
🕯 Have a completed and approved a Freak Fest group application.
October 7th-11th 1994
panel-moniom | freak fest days 1-5
Panelmoniom was an hybrid event with both live event and journal event elements. Players got to observe and participate in panel rps that featured various panelist NPCs. Upon signing up via discord react players had to opportunity for their characters to ask questions during the panel and interact with the panelists. If players were unable to participate but would still like to say their characters attended in canon they are more than welcome to review any of the rp logs of these panels (linked below).
Government Cover-Ups
Exorcism and possession
Overview of the North American Cryptid
Abduction Survivors Speak
Panels were ongoing throughout the entirety of freak fest. While only a handful were played out attending panels was the point of the fest! In theory. Thus, in character this event took place over the full five days of Freak Fest.
The panel schedule below isn’t an exhaustive list of the panels that took place during the 1994, rather they are just the panels where the panelists that were stranded by the landslide spoke. To see a full list of these panelists and get an idea of their character please visit this page.
🕯 Submit a log of your participation in the event with at least 300 words of original writing.
🕯 Submit a piece of writing (at least 300 words} that depicts your characters experience or thoughts on one of the panels they attended.
🕯 Submit a piece of art depicting you or your characters favorite or least favorite panelist.
Tuesday October 11th 1994
globe of death | freak fest day 5
The globe of death was a live-mini event where players would have the opportunity to practice some combat with mod assistance and supervision. There was a tournament style series of matches where players could bet on the fights.
The Globe of Death was just one of the most extreme of interesting and half hazard event decisions made by the organizational committee. One could only guess how this was approved especially with the legal pressures the fest was under… fest goers would have noticed volunteers erecting a shotty fence and assembling the globe of death itself. Posters for the stunt show would have started appearing the same day and by that afternoon a crowd would from around this Globe of Death.
Kaleb Monroe would give a short introduction before entering the globe itself. The gathered crowd would get an amazing show Memphis speeding up and around and over the globe while Kaleb played drums in the center splattering fake blood over the raving crowd….
At the end of the show people would disperse but before the fences were completely taken down several volunteers would get the bright idea to use the area for a little fun. And so, the matches started. They weren’t picky about who bet or joined….
Below you’ll find a write up of the stunt show itself but NOT the fight club rounds/results or any character rp.
🕯 Submit a log of your participation in the event with at least 100 words of original writing.
🕯 Submit an art piece of your character in a fight or brandishing their weapon of choice. full body minimum.
🕯 Submit a log of your character in combat with another freak fest member where at least one of the participants lost 5hp of health. (this must be officially logged).
Wednesday October 11th-12th 1994
the final day | freak fest day 6
​The closing ceremony/night vigil event was the first live event hosted in Freak Fest. This event took place over 3 days with scheduled “live” periods where mods hosted groups of rpers in fast paced encounters and content. Below rather than a short paragraph summary you will find a link to the full event summary document that also includes various make up prompts for those that could not be at the event at the time.
Please click the poster below or this link to be taken to the event review doc. If you feel there is additional valuable information missing from this document or you have questions feel free to reach out to a
🕯 Submit a log of your participation in the event with at least 600 words of original writing.
🕯 complete and submit all makeup prompts from the review doc submitted below. For new members and those that did not get to participate in the event xp can still be gained in addition to earning the night vigil badge charm.
Follow the prompts seen in the event summary. They will ask that you find a place for your character in the story of the event and put them there
🕯Submissions must be a minimum of 1 colored fullbody, 2 halfbodies, or 1000 words and clearly depict the character engaged with the events of a section
🕯 Rewards can only be earned for days that you did not attend, to a maximum of 3xp
Prompts can be found in the document linked above and redeemed any time.
Saturday October 15th 1994
the lone ranger returns | Erin Daluthe, an unexpected visit
This was an mini event that closed out some of the threads of the night vigil event but also set in motion future events...
This was an eventful day at the lodge. First a few people go missing, then the next day half the search party sent out to find the missing never returns. And that’s all before even mentioning the “séance” that took place the night before. The séance that left panelist and self-acclaimed medium Annabelle Bastien all but dead from injuries no one of the several witnesses could adequately explain… then it was only when the effort was made to get miss Bastien adequate medical attention that it was found a tremendous landslide had blocked the only road out of Magpie Landing. Everyone there was trapped there with downed phone lines and no connection to the outside world, but at least Matt and the rest of the Lodge staff made breakfast.
It was shortly after breakfast was served that the ranger Hunter makes his return, alone. He is quickly taken aside by Matt, Chip, the other rangers Niles and Richard, as well as Jean a member of the fest’s organizational committee. Hunter seems shaken and the group attempts to take him to the kitchen to speak in privacy and hopefully find out what happened with the search party. This doesn’t go quite to plan.
Unbeknownst to the group several of the attendees sneak into the kitchen via a secondary door. They eavesdrop on the conversation until Chip Lee discovers most of those hiding out. They are all ousted from the kitchen, their shame made public. The scene is just settled when there is suddenly another unexpected visitor that suddenly appears rain soaked in the lodge doorway…
Erin Daluthe the owner of the Magpie Landing General Store bursts through the doors of the Lodge, livid. She is intent on collecting her daughter Amber. She is especially harsh with Matt who it is clear she knows well. She accuses him of allowing her daughter to come to the Fest despite knowing her feelings on the matter and demands to speak with Annabelle. Matt takes her into a private office for several minutes in which it can be assumed she was told about Annabelle’s state. Erin goes to visit Annabelle, and in the meantime, Amber is seen leaving the lobby in a determined huff. Several people follow Amber upstairs.
While it’s unclear exactly what happened upstairs after several minutes a loud thud is heard over the roof of the mudroom. Tart Hart is found injured after having fallen from a closed balcony on the second floor. It is revealed that Amber and several others had managed to sneak onto a closed balcony. The reasons they did this only they can answer. Matt helps them all down and eventually a rain-soaked Amber is handed off to her mother Erin.
Erin and Matt seem to part on good enough terms that Erin agrees to help keep the lodge supplied until the road can be cleared.
It is revealed shortly after this by rumor as well as Chip and Matt’s confirmation that the search party had apparently last been seen traversing through a patch of brambles towards the northwest.
After that point that half of the group was not seen again by Hunter or any other member of the remaining search party.
With the storm still raging the working theory is that the search party may have gotten stranded on the other side of the flooded river or perhaps they have held up in one of the areas many caves for shelter.
🕯 Submit a log of your participation in the event with at least 300 words of original writing.
🕯 Submit a piece of writing (at least 300 words} that depicts your characters experience or thoughts on this event.
🕯 Submit a piece of art depicting your characters EXPERIANCE or reaction DURING THese EVENTs. HALF BODY MINIMUM.
friday October 14th 1994
The General Store run was the first major player-driven investigative encounter. It was primarily centered around dialogue with the NPCs of the Magpie Landing Information Center.
As it is told by those who attended: Bea, Birdie, Cyrus, Grimes, Lucy, and TB - going to the general store was one of the more enlightening and foreboding events of the post-seance days. There they met the Daluthe family. Grimes gave the disgruntled Rodney a hard time, while TB and Birdie managed to get some very interesting information out of Erin Daluthe.
They discovered that there were a number of sink holes and caves around the Magpie Landing area - including Sullivan's Cave and Devil's Mouth - and that, interestingly, several artifacts had been stolen from the information center's attached museum after the festival arrived. Cyrus and Lucy had their own fun sneaking around, and Bea managed to earn some brownie points as well.
On their way back, however, something ominous. A large masked figure wielding an axe in the gloomy rain. It disappeared before they could get a good look, and the group wisely chose to return to the lodge rather than seek it out...
🕯 Submit a log of your participation in the event with at least 300 words of original writing.
🕯 Submit an art piece of your character partaking in the investigation. halfbody minimum.
Tuesday October 18th 1994
extended stay at the devil's river lodge
The globe of death was a live-mini event where players would have the opportunity to practice some combat with mod assistance and supervision. There was a tournament style series of matches where players could bet on the fights.
9:00pm OCT.17
At about 9:00pm the evening of October 17th 1994 the power went out in the lodge leaving only the light of the fire for those trapped there. The storm continues to rage outside. From upstairs those in the common space could hear Chip Lee telling people to stay calm while Matt and the Rangers attend those in the lobby. There is some discussion on what happened, whether it was the fuse box or the generator or both that went out. Who is to say? It’s discovered not long after the pilot light’s gone out as well. Most wonder what more could go wrong…
Everyone is left in darkness but at least they have each other and the warmth of the lodge fire. The couches and chairs are moved to make way for blankets and sleeping bags for those weary to stay alone in dark rooms. What a sleepover.
It had been storming for nearly a week and those in charge deemed it too dangerous to run out to the generator with such weather so late in the evening. A sleeping area was arranged next to the fireplace and board games, illegal pasta shenanigans, and even more illegal snooping took place. At one point a scream heard from the dining room that was revealed to be a hopefully self-shaken Clementine… which sent some into a panic as gossip of "monsters" in the basement spread.
3:00am OCT.18
The wee hours of the morning rolled around, and the lodge guests hadn't settled. As time passed it seemed it might be worth it to try to solve the problem, if only to get the already-distressed guests some sleep. Matt gathered volunteers to accompany him outside - or to follow Hunter and Richard downstairs to reignite the boiler's pilot light. No one was sleeping anyway.
Though the power and the heat was restored both groups came back with injuries. Those outside received their injuries from a tree branch upended by the stormy weather and those below were attacked by a small, fast, unknown figure with an axe. Grimes was the first target, having ended up alone, but he was not the last. Lucy nearly lost their hand to a blow. They escaped with the help of Richard who took a hit from said axe and subsequently was unable to flee the rest of the group. Hunter been had separated from the group in all the chaos as well…
Both parties reconvened in the lodge lobby, where Silas began triage. Theories abound about what exactly happened. Some stranger than fiction. There are rumors that the basement group had contacted the missing somehow. Or think they did. And that Ranger Hunter is not to be trusted. The stairway to the basement was blocked, and Matt fetched Chip.
An intense discussion was had about what to do with Richard likely bleeding out and a potential killer on the loose. They decided they would need to try to retrieve Richard and Hunter, and perhaps arrest Hunter at least as a precaution. The two were not keen on followers despite many of the lodge guests pushing to join.
In the end they let a select few with training with guns and medical training accompany them on what they hoped would only be a rescue mission. This would not be the case.
4:27am OCT.18
Matt Lyons, Chip Lee, Silas Osen, Bea Dunaway, Gabe Bristow, and Alan Casper all convened at the elevator doors, the only other path down, to do a sweep and hopefully retrieve the injured ranger. Hunter likewise hadn't returned, though he didn't match the description of the would-be axe murderer the group encountered in the basement.
The way lodge mutterings tell it - the group ventured into the darkness where they found Richard pale and bleeding out on the floor before immediately encountering Barbara Liu still wielding a bloody axe. She was quickly dispatched at the same time that their only source of light, Chip, was downed. The group was plunged into darkness. Exact details are fuzzy without direct confirmation from the source. When the group eventually managed to make their way back upstairs there had still been no confirmation of Hunter's whereabouts.
but it seems that Ranger Hunter must have used the elevator to ride up from the basement to the second floor, where Grimes and TB saw him leap off the roof.
As Grimes and TB tell it Hunter made a run for it, and when Grimes attempted to stop him Hunter shot him, likely with a gun stolen from Chip Lee. Grimes was treated with the other injured who have all stabilized for now. Barbara Liu has been secured confined to the Medical Tent though she denies any knowledge of the incident while Hunter has not since been seen.
5:13am OCT.18
After this not much can be truly confirmed. Ranger Hunter is assumed to have used the elevator to ride up from the basement to the second floor, where Grimes and TB saw him leap off the roof.
As Grimes and TB tell it Hunter made a run for it, and when Grimes attempted to stop him Hunter shot him point blank in the chest, likely with a gun stolen from agent Chip Lee. Grimes was treated with the other injured who have all stabilized for now. Barbara Liu, who was also stabilized after taking a bullet to the leg herself, has been secured confined to the Medical Tent though she denies any knowledge of the incident. Chip Lee is up and on his own two feet while the medical staff left at the lodge attempt to keep Richard stable as he recovers from his blood loss. Hunter has not since been seen.
🕯 Submit a log of your participation in one of the two accomplished tasks during the event with at least 600 words of original writing.
General Participation can earn 1XP. players must simply submit at least 600 words of logged activity during the event
(for players that were unable to attend the event or simply didn't achieve 600 words) outline what your character was doing the night of the 17th OR their reaction to the events afterwards.
CREATING AN ARTWORK THAT DIRECTLY RELATES TO THE EVENT Of, 1 colored fullbody, 2 COLORED halfbodies, or a subject that could clearly be considered equivalent in effort.
Players that helped Matt with the fuse box may earn an additional 1xp for their assistance. submit log evidence of participation.
Players that helped Richard and Hunter with the pilot light may earn an additional 1xp for their assistance. submit log evidence of participation.
Players that went back into the basement to retrieve Richard may earn an additional 1xp for their assistance. Submit log evidence of participation.
Grimes and Alan Casper may earn an additional 1xp for participation in skill based individual encounters. Submit log evidence of participation.
SATURday October 22nd 1994
Tune up was a live event in which the first killings of the group took place. This was a combination of investigation and quick time rp.
Following the terrifying events of the night of the 17th the lodge was restless. Rumors began to circulate of weapons and supplies stored in the van of the volunteer manager Kaleb Monroe. Their van was left still parked where it had been the night Kaleb Monroe and the first to vanish had gone missing, in the clearing of the afterparty.
A consensus was reached that the van would be checked for weapons. They needed to defend themselves and who knows what else might be found if they searched the clearing. It was agreed they'd go in the light of day that following Saturday, October 22nd.
9:30-10:30am OCT.22nd
The lodge was humming with murmurs as people prepared to depart. The defacto authority that had been put in place between Chip, Matt, and the Rangers had no protests to this venture. Chip and Matt stayed behind, keeping watch over the lodge and keeping people fed. Pancakes had become a common comfort for sleepless lodgies to get up to. At 10:30am a large group from the lodge set out into the gentle sprinkle of the morning.
Approximately: 11am
The group after about 20 minutes of walking find themselves in the clearing. It was a rained out and disheveled shadow of itself where several cars sat parked, unretrieved either because their owners were now among the missing or because they were among the stranded at the lodge...
Dana Monroe was invited by Morgan Bryant to accompany the group. It was discovered she had a key. She oversaw the group pick over her brother's belonings... the situation became contentious, and after not long at all Dana collected several of her brothers things and stormed off alone from the clearing. She locked the doors, but in her anger slammed the last too hard, and so the front door was left ajar.
Several people though got just what they came for, weapons and supplies. They continued to investigate the clearing and cars... noticing only by chance that Cyrus Cordova had disappeared from the group at some point without a word.
Just when anxiety had set over the group and talks of searches began... the radio of Kaleb's van and several others came to life...
Below are the messages heard by those in the clearing... Kaleb's car wasn't the only to suddenly come to life... rumors claim that there were more sightings of the missing. Those that were there claim that it was the missing that controlled the radios, and that they were seen in the mirrors in the cars...
Several cars came to life, but the best remembered messages came at the beginning and end of the experience. The first played as they all gathered around Kaleb's van:
The second came as the group, having said their farewell to the ghostly reflections of the missing, began to more seriously discuss a manhunt for Cyrus. Then Kitty touches the radio and chaotic sound begins ringing through the clearing. Several of the vehicles around the clearing begin to light up and sound out with static and noise, but soon most of them quiet as the northmost vehicle begins broadcasting loudly into the air.
It was not long after this that the unbelievable experience only grew stranger and more terrifying. Cyrus returned to the clearing and to everyone's shock was supporting the until then missing Kaleb Monroe, but no one had the time to react. As they stepped into the clearing an overwhelming surge of wind swept through the clearing. An inhuman presence was heard and felt. The windows mirrors and headlights of all the vehicles around burst, and a pillar of red light beamed down over them from the ufo that had hung lifeless in the trees since the party.
The force swept through the clearing, crushing the north most car where the last message had come from like a tin can. As the force shuffled the trees as if ushered in six figured emerged from the treeline, all with weapons in hand. And so the chase began.
Approximately: 12:15pm
The masked assailants divide the group and chase them through the woods like rats. Screams and gunshots are heard echoing through the trees... not everyone makes it back. Tart Hart, Kitty Endou, Kevin Mauser, and Morgan Bryant are among those that did not return. Bea and Dave Dunaway witnessed the brutal attack of Kitty and Tart as they all fled the same killers.
Alan Casper, TB, Cyrus Cordova, and the newly found Kaleb Monroe were all seriously injured to various degrees by their pursuers and are now being treated in the med tent.
🕯 Submit a log from the event of your character exploring Kaleb's van OR communicating with the missing.
SUBMIT AN ART PIECE RELATING TO THESE STRANGE EVENTS OF 1 colored fullbody, 2 COLORED halfbodies, or a subject that could clearly be considered equivalent in effort.
🕯 Submit a log from the event of your character Being pursued by the masked killers.
🕯 PLAYERS ON THE OTHER SIDE: Submit a log or audio file as a participant of this event. Other side players may select either charm.
General Participation can earn 1XP players must simply submit at least 600 words of logged activity during the event or (for players that were unable to attend the event or simply didn't achieve 600 words)
(for players that were unable to attend the event or simply didn't achieve 600 words) outline what your character was doing the morning of the 22nd OR their reaction to the events afterwards.
CREATING AN ARTWORK THAT DIRECTLY RELATES TO THE EVENT Of, 1 colored fullbody, 2 COLORED halfbodies, or a subject that could clearly be considered equivalent in effort.
Players that were persued by the masked killers earn an additional 1XP for participation in these skill based encounters. They may submit log evidence of their participation.
Players CAN claim their to have been a part of both the search of the clearing and the deadly pursuit if they so choose but they cannot claim to have been physically harmed and cannot claim the additional XP outlined below as their character was not actually at risk.
They can claim however to have heard the radio messages and to have seen all the freaky shit in the clearing. This will hopefully aid those with skeptics that need a little nudging.