The jock, the leader, the idiot, whatever you may call them, they're an integral part of the team. In fact they might tell you they’re the only part that matters.
Jocks biggest benefits are their physical prowess and their ability to take a hit. Where jocks lack in smarts and sense of humor they make up for in capability to simply do what the nerd, or stoner cannot.
Base Health: 20
- Jocks gain 3 additional stat points to divide between strength and dexterity.
- Takes 1/4 less damage than any other base class (strange divisions go in favor of Jock)
- Cannot complete puzzles (may break certain ones for better or worse.)
- Roll disadvantage for all social rolls, no one likes you as much as you like you Mr. Abercrombie and Fitch.
(Roll twice and use the lower of the two rolls.)​
One thing Jocks know how to do to their credit is push themselves. Once a day in game Jocks can use the final push ability to give themselves a bonus action each turn for the duration of a SINGLE ENCOUNTER. This can be especially helpful in single opponent encounters where your opponent will only have time to react to one action not both.
(Encounters will be defined by the hosting moderator, generally this will be a single fight or pursuit.)
The Nerd, the wiz, the wonderkid, often too smart and too slow for their own good. These characters won’t be winning any strongman competitions any time soon but don’t sell them short! Nerds can do things no other class can do, they see things others don't and put together the details twice as fast.
Base Health: 15
- Nerds gain 3 additional stat points in intelligence.
- Can solve any puzzle given time.
(NERDs roll a1d20, The result of the roll result x3 equals how many minutes the task will take.)
- Can dismantle any killer trap given time.
(NERDs roll a1d20, The result of the roll result x3 equals how many minutes the task will take.)
- Nerds select either DEX or STR and for that stat they must always roll with disadvantage.
(Roll twice and use the lower of the two rolls.)​
Throughout the game at random times there will be hidden Nerd exclusive content to be found. This will be in the form of various things, conversation threads that only one with their intuition would pick up on, clues that others would overlook, and even items waiting to be discovered with the extra keen eye of a book worm.
Every situation needs some brevity doesn’t it? No? Well I wasn’t actually asking. The point is whether you want it or not this is where the Stoner comes in. With the help of whatever gets the extra spring in their step these characters are all the support, and canon fodder, you’ll ever need sacrificing their own ability to make higher rolls to benefit the whole gang.
Those that chose this class beware, not many of them make it to the end no matter how fondly they’re remembered just ask Randy Meeks.
Base Health: 20
- Stoners gain 3 additional stat points to distribute as they like.
Stoners are a support class. They give up the ability to achieve higher base rolls in exchange for bonuses to the rest of their party.
The maximum for bonuses is +/-5, and the maximum starting party size is 5, this can change with the acquisition of items, upgrades, or abilities.
EXAMPLE: A stoner at the beginning of an encounter decides that for the duration of the encounter they will take a -2 to their d20 making it a d18. In exchange the entire gang excluding the stoner receives a +2 bonus to their rolls.
For the rest of the encounter the stoner would roll a 1d18 and the rest of the gang 1d20+2.
Stoners are unable to roll nat 1s when they are buffing their party, instead when they roll a 1 they experience a stroke of genius. What this stroke of genius is will depend on the situation at hand, and rarely will it be fairly acknowledged by their teammates.
The beauty, famously underappreciated, trivialized and disregarded, but let’s be honest, how far would we ever get without them? Especially considering how unfairly prioritized they are by killers… Being eye-catching just isn’t always a plus. Luckily for them and their team Beauties aren’t just a pretty face and social expertise, there’s almost always something more that meets the eye.
So don’t make the same mistake every killer does, almost every finalgirl comes from a beauty after all . . .
Base Health: [VARIES]
- Beauties gain 3 additional stat points in social.
Who doesn’t love social royalty, the glamor, the dazzle, the attitude? It's hard for a beauty not to stand out. Unfortunately that's not always a good thing. Hostile parties are drawn to beauties over other classes, and their eye-catching nature is liable to get them attacked first when the option is available. There’s little to be done about this, but beauties can flip this to their advantage by keeping the attention of a target away from others as long as the killer is engaged.
Once a killer is attacked by another party in combat, or if the killer loses any sign of the beauty for 3 rounds then the killer may disengage.
Beauties are full of surprises, from a degree in astrophysics to just having a sturdy constitution. Because of this they have the most flexible build of all the classes. When building a beauty, you can select ONE of the choices below to apply to your character.
Health: 15
Select 2 traits from any other class.*
Health: 20
Select 1 trait from any other class.*
Health: 25
Social bonus receives an additional + 2
* Beauties can select a maximum of 1 ability from another class. These include Final Push and Killer Intuition. Stroke of Genius is also limited but has unique conditions elaborated on below.
- Stoners party buff ability the maximum bonus/deficit is +/- 3 rather than 5 their max party is 3.
- Stroke of Genius is transformed into the unique beauty ability Outshine. See more in formation on this ability below.
ABILITY: OUTSHINE Only available if the Stoner ability Stroke of Genius has been selected for a beauty build , this is an automatic replacement.
This ability is an adaptation of Stroke of Genius and allows beauties to perform an automatically successful action when any player character within their rp group rolls a Nat1, including stoners but excluding themselves.
When a Nat1 is rolled by another player character beauties immediately roll a 1d6, representing a roll of 15-20. That roll can either be used immediately following the Nat1 roller's turn as a single bonus action/reaction, OR the player can wait for their next turn to use their bonus action/reaction. Make sure to be respectful and communicate with your rp partners in either case.