Q: The plot seems to extend past the initial duration of the Fest, is that right?
A: Correct, the fest is over and the plot goes on! This was an intentional misconception so that members wouldn’t predict how the plot would proceed. From here on out the plot will take place during the time that the remaining festers are trapped in Magpie Landing however long that may be. The owners of the lodge believe this may be as little as a week, but admit that it has taken weeks for the road to be cleared after similar disasters.
Q: Are only member characters present at the lodge aside from panelists?
A: No, there are approximately 20-30 other ‘faceless’ attendees alongside the known NPCs, player characters, ect. This pool of faceless attendees will be where future secondaries and any new members will come from.
Q: I can’t always be present due to circumstances outside the group. Will I miss out on plot or be unable to jump in as a result?
A: Not at all! This is a 21+ group, and so we recognize that most members (and mods) have jobs, school, or other obligations that may keep them from constantly hovering in server. Or maybe this is simply a secondary group for some. Recaps of public knowledge from events will always be posted in the announcement channel, and as there are a lot of people in the plot location, it’s completely plausible for characters to have simply not been at an event. In addition, we heavily encourage retroactive hcs, rps, and collaborating with our extremely friendly player base to see where you might fit into the plot even if you can’t always attend in the moment.
Q: What sort of events will there be in this group?
A: Freak Fest is centered around “live” tabletop style events implemented through text. We endeavor to execute these in 4-6 hour sessions in order to maximize players’ ability to attend. Freak Fest does not have a passive plot and most events will not happen unless initiated by players. There is no preestablished schedule instead events are adaptive and will be scheduled as players engage with the plot.
RUNS: Most often these are one off explorations into areas that must have mod moderation such as forest exploration. These will often be mechanic heavy and give temporary access to areas otherwise inaccessible.
MINIEVENTS: Often player initiated or inspired events that have the potential to trigger plot events. These may one-off npc encounters, investigation/exploration sessions, or occasionally minigames.
PLOT EVENTS: Significant events that will without question advance the plot, though these CAN be private events that only certain members have access to due to the mystery nature of our group. These must be triggered by character engagement in other smaller events and will not be scheduled until triggered.
Q: How do I trigger a plot event?
A: There are different triggers for different events. These are hidden in mini-games, NPC interaction, rps, and encounters hosted by mods. Anything with a mod hand has the potential to trigger an event and so we encourage players to engage with the plot however feels right and ask ic questions.
Q: What happens when an event is triggered?
A: Once an event is triggered, a date will be set for the event to play out.
Example: *Susan has spoken with the grounds keeper and she gives her the key that fits the door to the attic in exchange for her kindness.*
The mods know that the MONSTER IN THE ATTIC event will be triggered if the door is opened, so the mods inform the player they have triggered an event and set a specific date when they are next available to host the MONSTER IN THE ATTIC EVENT. Until they are available players are not allowed to open the attic door, but once they are, the event will take place and progress the story, possibly opening the door for further events.
What would have happened if Susan had never talked to the grounds keeper? She would have never received the key and most likely would have never opened the door or unlocked the event for the group.