RULE ENFORCEMENT: There is no three-strike rule, or any other standardized method of enforcement. The mods will handle any member issues on the basis of our own judgement. This means in any situation depending on the circumstances members may get a warning or an immediate kick, even in situations where players have broken the same rule. It entirely depends on the context of the situation.
The mods one and only priority is to make sure our community members get to enjoy the group as a safe and fun place. We encourage any member to come forward if they are feeling unsafe or uncomfortable within the community, we will do our best to address the situation.
Community Rules
Respect: All members are expected to be both respectful and inclusive to one another in group. The point of joining a group is to have fun as a community!
Age Rating: This is a 21+ rp group, and while being 21+ is a soft rule minors are absolutely not allowed among membership.
Nondiscrimination: There will be no use of any discriminatory language (i.e. racist, homophobic, ableist, religiously discriminatory language, among others) in ooc or ic allowed at any time. Violation of this rule will likely result in an immediate ban.
Heavy Subjects: Topics to avoid on a more soft-enforcement basis are politics and oversharing of distressing topics personal or otherwise. These conversations can always be had among community members in private spaces, but the community server is a place for group fun.
Member Discomfort: The server ooc chats are community spaces. If someone expresses serious discomfort with a topic then group members are expected to stop the conversation. Conversations can always be continued via direct message or in another private space. Members should be direct and polite in their stop requests.
(If for whatever reason members are unsure of a situation opt to stop the conversation first and consult a mod on the matter.)
NSFW content: NSFW content should be kept only in nsfw spaces. This is a spooky group, and so nsfw content includes certain horrific images as well. Consider before posting anything if it would actually be safe to view at a conventional workplace.
Chat Sober: Mention of drugs and alcohol in general is not prohibited, but, discussion of current inebriation of any kind is not allowed in community space. This includes discussion of currently being drunk, or under the influence of any kind of drug. If you are in a state that you can't keep your inebriation from being obvious we expect you to take a step back and return after you've finished enjoying your recreation.
Compliance with Mods: If at any time you are asked to stop certain behaviors in character or ooc by moderators you are expected to oblige immediately. You are welcome to privately ask for clarification if needed.
Role Play Rules
Rolling: First we will address some rolling guidelines, these are especially relevant during official events and rps. In personal rp it is generally your prerogative how rolling goes as long as all participants are comfortable.
▫️ During official events members are NOT to use the / command shortcut for rolling with bots. It doesn't show what dice were rolled to get the result and any rolls that do not show the dice rolled cannot be counted.
▫️ All Nat 20s should be BOLDED whenever included in a post. This is so mods can distinguish between just a solid success and a critical one.
▫️ Only Nat 20s count as critical successes. Any roll of 20 or above that is not a Nat 20 will just be counted as a really solid success. No inhumane feats just because you rolled a 28 here flat 20 is our success cap.
▫️ When adding stats and other bonuses do NOT to lump the total sum of your bonuses into your roll. For example DO NOT roll a 1d24 instead of 1d20+4, you will only cheat yourself out of bonuses. (Stoners when reducing their OWN d20 rolls to boost their teams are the only exceptions to this rule.)
Post Order: Establish an understanding of post order with your rp partners. This can be a specific order or tag-based. A general rule of politeness in large rps is to wait at least 2-3 posts before posting again.
Post Tagging: Always tag the person following you in posting order, or those in your tag party.
Public Channels: Some rp channels are specific in-character locations meant for community rp. Players may have their characters enter these spaces at any time, but should ask permission before joining active rps.
Please contact a mod if additional rooms for a location need to be made or feel free to use the thread feature.
Location channels may be cleared at any time for various reasons so please take care to record any rps you don’t want to lose. Mods will not do so unless stated otherwise.
Time Limits: Some rps will have time limits applied to them. This is most likely in the case of events. Be aware of this and adjust your post style if needed to reduce stress.
Once time limit has passed you will be skipped. Missing 3 turns will mark you as inactive and you will be removed from the post order unless you have made an arrangement with a mod. You are always free to ask to rejoin where possible.
Godmodding: There will be zero tolerance for god-modding. Always be respectful of each group member's sphere of control and do not put words in other characters' mouths or make them perform actions not described by the other player.
Metagaming: Likewise, metagaming is not allowed. It's inevitable that ooc knowledge will influence your writing to some degree, but be mindful not to apply information your character has not learned their words, thoughts, or actions. This is a mystery group, and much of the enjoyment comes from ic discovery.